Major Sins # 46

>> Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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or Eating and Drinking from them

Nowadays hardly any household goods stores are free of vessels made of gold and silver, or plated with these metals.

The same applies to homes of rich people and many hotels. This kind of thing has become one of the precious gifts that people give one another on special occasions. Some people may not have these things at home, but they use them in other peoples homes and when invited to a meal.

All of these are actions which are forbidden in Islaam.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) issued a stern warning about using such vessels. Umm Salamah reported that he said: "The one who eats or drinks from a vessel of gold or silver is putting fire from Hell into his stomach."
(Reported by Muslim, 3/1634).

This ruling applies to every kind of vessel or utensil that is made of gold or silver, such as plates, forks, spoons, knives, trays on which food is offered to guests, boxes of sweets which are given to wedding guests, and so on.

Some people might say, "We are not using them, we are just putting them on display in a glass case." This is not permitted either, to prevent any possibility of these things being used.

(From the spoken statements of Shaykh Abd al-Azeez ibn Baaz.)

source- Prohibitions that are taken too lightly
Book by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Ruling on celebrating Valentine’s Day

>> Friday, February 19, 2010

What is the ruling on Valentine’s Day?.

Praise be to Allaah.


Valentine’s Day is a jaahili Roman festival, which continued to be celebrated until after the Romans became Christian. This festival became connected with the saint known as Valentine who was sentenced to death on 14 February 270 CE. The kuffaar still celebrate this festival, during which immorality and evil are practised widely. For more details on this celebration, please see: Celebrating Valentine’s Day .


It is not permissible for a Muslim to celebrate any of the festivals of the kuffaar, because festivals come under the heading of shar’i issues which are to be based on the sound texts.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Festivals are part of sharee’ah, clear way and rituals of which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way”

[al-Maa’idah 5:48]

“For every nation We have ordained religious ceremonies which they must follow”

[al-Hajj 22:67]

-- such as the qiblah (direction faced in prayer), prayer and fasting. There is no difference between their participating in the festival and their participating in all other rituals. Joining in fully with the festival is joining in with kufr, and joining in with some of its minor issues is joining in with some of the branches of kufr. Indeed, festivals are one of the most unique features that distinguish various religions and among their most prominent symbols, so joining in with them is joining in with the most characteristic and prominent symbols of kufr. No doubt joining in with this may lead to complete kufr.

Partially joining in, at the very least, is disobedience and sin. This was indicated by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when he said: “Every people has its festival and this is our festival.” This is worse than joining them in wearing the zinaar (a garment that was worn only by ahl al-dhimmah) and other characteristics of theirs, for those characteristics are man-made and are not part of their religion, rather the purpose behind them is simply to distinguish between a Muslim and a kaafir. As for the festival and its rituals, this is part of the religion which is cursed along with its followers, so joining in with it is joining in with something that is a cause of incurring the wrath and punishment of Allaah. End quote from Iqtida’ al-Siraat al-Mustaqeem (1/207).

He also said (may Allaah have mercy on him): It is not permissible for the Muslims to imitate them in anything that is uniquely a part of their festivals, whether it be food, clothing, bathing, lighting fires, refraining from a regular habit, doing acts of worship or anything else. It is not permissible to give a feast or to give gifts, or to sell anything that will help them to do that for that purpose, or to allow children and others to play games that are part of the festivals, or to wear one’s adornments.

To conclude: the Mulsims should not do any of their rituals at the time of their festivals; rather the day of their festival should be like any other day for the Muslims. The Muslims should not do anything specific in imitation of them. End quote from Majmoo al-Fataawa (25/329).

Al-Haafiz al-Dhahabi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: If the Christians have a festival, and the Jews have a festival, it is only for them, so no Muslim should join them in that, just as no Muslim should join them in their religion or their direction of prayer. End quote from Tashabbuh al-Khasees bi Ahl al-Khamees, published in Majallat al-Hikmah (4/193)

The hadeeth to which Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah referred was narrated by al-Bukhaari (952) and Muslim (892) from ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) who said: Abu Bakr came in and there were two young girls of the Ansaar with me who were singing about what had happened to the Ansaar on the day of Bu’aath. She said: And they were not (professional) singing girls. Abu Bakr said: “Musical instruments of the shaytaan in the house of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)?!” and that was on the day of Eid. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “O Abu Bakr, every people has a festival and this is our festival.”

Abu Dawood (1134) narrated that Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: When the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to Madeenah, they had two days when they would play. He said: “What are these two days?” They said: “We used to play on these days during the Jaahiliyyah.” The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah has given you instead of them two days that are better than them: the day of al-Adha and the day of al-Fitr.” This hadeeth was classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

This indicates that festivals are among the characteristics by which nations are distinguished, and it is not permissible to celebrate the festivals of the ignorant and the mushrikeen (polytheists).

The scholars have issued fatwas stating that it is haraam to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

1 –Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked:

In recent times the celebration of Valentine’s Day has become widespread, especially among female students. It is a Christian festival where people dress completely in red, including clothes and shoes, and they exchange red flowers. We hope that you can explain the ruling on celebrating this festival, and what your advice is to Muslims with regard to such matters; may Allaah bless you and take care of you.

He replied:

Celebrating Valentine’s Day is not permissible for a number of reasons.

1- It is an innovated festival for which there is no basis in Islam.

2- It promotes love and infatuation.

3- It calls for hearts to be preoccupied with foolish matters that are contrary to the way of the righteous salaf (may Allaah be pleased with them).

It is not permissible on this day to do any of the things that are characteristic of this festival, whether that has to do with food, drinks, clothing, exchanging gifts or anything else.

The Muslim should be proud of his religion and should not be a weak character who follows every Tom, Dick and Harry. I ask Allaah to protect the Muslims from all temptations, visible and invisible, and to protect us and guide us.

End quote from Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (16/199)

2 – The Standing Committee was asked: Some people celebrate Valentine’s Day on the fourteenth of February every year. They exchange gifts of red roses and wear red clothes and congratulate one another. Some bakeries make red coloured sweets and draw hearts on them, and some stores advertise products that are especially for this day. What is your opinion on the following:

1- Celebrating this day

2- Buying things from the stores on this day

3- Storekeepers who are not celebrating it selling things that may be given as gifts to people who are celebrating it?

They replied:

The clear evidence of the Qur’aan and Sunnah – and the consensus of the early generations of this ummah – indicates that there are only two festivals in Islam: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Any other festivals that have to do with a person, a group, an event or anything else are innovated festivals, which it is not permissible for Muslims to observe, approve of or express joy on those occasions, or to help others to celebrate them in any way, because that is transgressing the sacred limits of Allaah, and whoever transgresses the sacred limits of Allaah has wronged himself. If the fabricated festival is also a festival of the kuffaar, then the sin is even greater, because this is imitating them and it is a kind of taking them as close friends, and Allaah has forbidden the believers to imitate them and take them as close friends in His Holy Book. And it is proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” Valentine’s Day comes under this heading because it is an idolatrous Christian festival, so it is not permissible for a Muslim who believes in Allaah and the Last Day to observe it or approve of it or congratulate people on it. Rather he has to ignore it and avoid it, in obedience to Allaah and His Messenger, and so as to keep away from the causes that incur the wrath and punishment of Allaah. It is also haraam for the Muslim to help people to celebrate this or any other haraam festival by supplying any kind of food or drink, or buying or selling or manufacturing or giving or advertising etc., because all of that is cooperating in sin and transgression and is disobedience towards Allaah and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Help you one another in Al‑Birr and At‑Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is Severe in punishment”

[al-Maa’idah 5:2]

The Muslim must adhere to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah in all his affairs, especially at times of fitnah when evil is widespread. He should be smart and avoid falling into the misguidance of those who have earned Allaah’s anger and who have gone astray, and the evildoers who have no fear of Allaah and who do not have any pride in being Muslims. The Muslim must turn to Allaah and seek His guidance and remain steadfast in following it, for there is no Guide except Allaah and no one can make a person steadfast but Him. And Allaah is the source of strength. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. End quote.

3 – Shaykh Ibn Jibreen (may Allaah preserve him) was asked:

Among our young men and women it has become common to celebrate Valentine’s Day, which is named after a saint who is venerated by the Christians, who celebrate it every year on February 14, when they exchange gifts and red roses, and they wear red clothes. What is the ruling on celebrating this day and exchanging gifts?

He replied:

Firstly: it is not permissible to celebrate these innovated festivals, because it is an innovation for which there is no basis in Islam. It comes under the heading of the hadeeth of ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her), according to which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever introduces anything into this matter of ours that is not part of it will have it rejected.”

Secondly: it involves imitating the kuffaar and copying them by venerating that which they venerate and respecting their festivals and rituals, and imitating them in something that is part of their religion. In the hadeeth it says: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.”

Thirdly: it results in evils and haraam things such as wasting time, singing, music, extravagance, unveiling, wanton display, men mixing with women, women appearing before men other than their mahrams, and other haraam things, or things that are a means that leads to immorality. That cannot be excused by the claim that this is a kind of entertainment and fun. The one who is sincere towards himself should keep away from sin and the means that lead to it.

And he said:

Based on this, it is not permissible to sell these gifts and roses, if it is known that the purchaser celebrates these festivals or will give these things as gifts on those days, so that the seller will not be a partner of the one who does those innovations. And Allaah knows best. End quote.

And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A


>> Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Laman ng halos lahat ng local at international news ang nangyari sa Maguinanao between Ampatuan clan and Mangudadatu na kumitil sa mahigit 40 ka tao. Mataan a mala a kiambinasa o ped ko mga Filipino a mengangaran sa Muslim, sabap bo sa politika na pekharao iran mamono so mga pagari iran a muslim taman sa mga ba-e na pikharoma iran ago iran bono-a.

Phamaningko ko Allah pakawatanen iyan aya sa ranao...mataan a o di tano ilota so mga Iman tano na tanto tano den a pekha awat ko limo o Allah ago pekhakawit tano sa rarangit iyan.

Nakakapag bigay ito ng pangit na impresyon sa ngalan ng Islam, nagsisimula palang ang filing ng tatakbo sa politika ay sinimulan narin ng mga taong ito ang pagpapadanak at pag kitil ng mga buhay ng mga inosenting tao,kabilang ang 13 na press people at mga babae...ang Allah na ang bahala sa inyo...isa kayo sa sumisira sa pangalan ng Islam.


>> Saturday, October 31, 2009

Kataya o ped ko mga tuladan o mga pagari tano a mga Mranao sa United Arab Community sii ko kiyapag clean up drive iran...
miyakapiyapiya a galebek..pekha ilay a thitho tano a mga muslim a limpyo...
ogaid na batano bo mambo mangelek sii sa Ranao...kalaanon a giya Marawi City...nayno o e mapag apelyedo a Marawi so Islamic City...


>> Friday, October 30, 2009

Sa kiyapag surf aken sa net na kiyambantayan aken a video sa you tube about some Haram foods a di tano maiinengka...a miyakasoled ko ped a mga walay a mranao. So ped sa yiga mga pangeningken na biyaloy tano pen a mirinda tano ko oman gawi-e so ped na saw sawan tano pne...i wan't to share this videos with you guys...
Ago hopefully na maka assign ako sa space sa giya a blog aken a para bo ko mga haram foods...kaya so ped ko mga videos a ini upload o isa ko mga pagari tano...

opama mambo o bankaden pagilaya igira a da pen maluto , igira mailaw pen na tanto skanian a kalanaan ago sambida den e bao, mismo isa ko mga relative aken a mimbisita fo factory niyan sa Cebu City na miyatharo iyan a 100% na kasasa ogan sa pork fat...lana a baboy...
ogaid na aya pitharo o manager sa palanta na okon o muslim a phamasa na di iran saogan sa pork fat...???how true???iisang planta , iisang cooking pot....whew very doubtful ...

giya peman sa suka pinakurat na kiyatokawan ko ini after ko kiyambisita-e e Mdme.Gloria sii ko Suka Pinakurat expansion , gito so bombing a UniCity ago Jerry's...sii ko interview ko owner na miya aloy niyanon about sa ginan a suka pinakurat, taman sa miyag search ako sa net. Kailan na maipat tano so langon a pangeningken a phaken tano...ka mataan a di tano mainenka na makukuwa tano so rarangit o Allah...ago katawi tanoron na mga muslim tano takinuba ka makakafir tano ka aytano pkekan na HARAM..

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